Sustain for Life Scholarship Fund

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Sustain for Life Scholarship Fund
Supporting Vulnerable Children at Kisoro Demonstration School, Uganda

This project aims to improve access to quality and relevant education for special needs children who are most vulnerable, ultimately with the goal of better quality and sustainable future livelihoods.

Sustain for Life’s scholarship fund seeks to broaden access to education and training for the most vulnerable and marginalised children and young people. Kisoro Demo School has about 80 children with different disabilities including sight and hearing impairment, and physical and cognitive disabilities. The vast majority of these special needs children come from families experiencing extreme poverty.

Location: Kisoro, southwest Uganda

Local Partners:  Kisoro Demonstration School

Beneficiaries: Visually and hearing impaired children and children who excel in educational performance who lack the means to attend secondary school

Training in Sustainable Organic Agriculture:

Able- bodied children and 80 % of the support staff will participate in farming activities and will be trained in Sustainable Organic Agriculture. These practical skills will make the beneficiaries self-sufficient in the future.

KDS will pay for a technical farm manager to run the production, training and marketing activities.

We will also rent the agricultural land for 5 years, thereafter the school will have the skills to take over this project completely.